I love supernatural

So todays topic is the whole thing on supernatural vs belibers.

This has got to be the most stupidest thing to start.. especially since belibers are like 12 years old. Haha okay I dont mean that and im not trying to make fun of you.  My personal opinion om the biebs is totally my opinion and personally he’s not a good role model and promotes serioisly bad behaviour and acts like a spoiled kid.

The one thing however that I do love from this article is that every fandom is coming together, to pretty much back our fellow fandom up. I like that. It restores my faith in humanity. Haha yay.

So have a read.. Unfortunately im not a tumblr person.. but my sister is which is why I know.



I honestly just hope every belieber knows what theyre getting into… better give these poor souls some rock salt or something because these fandoms are coming for your ass.

🙂 lol just a bit of a giggle today.

Sorry to anyone who does like justin beiber… you can by all means unfollow me or delete me for crimes.

Hope youre all having a nice day/night